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Susan Flamm

National Cooking Day

September 25, 2022

I received my love of cooking from my Grandma B. She was always in the kitchen either cooking or talking on the phone. She made her nightly round of calls sitting on a stool at the counter in her kitchen. When I grew up, I could always count on a phone call at least once a week to “just check in”. During the day she worked for a place that made sandwiches that went out in trucks to sell to the workers at construction sites. The kitchen was an industrial kitchen in the basement of her boss’s house. I can remember going with her to work sometimes to help out and watching her flip an entire griddle top full of over easy eggs without breaking any of the yolks.

Grandma B’s specialty was country cooking but as my grandpa got older and had heart problems, she adapted her recipes to fit his dietary needs. She was able to do so in a way that didn't affect the recipe’s taste and we all began to eat that way. I still incorporate many of those substitutions in my cooking.

She made the best Chicken & Dumplings which she learned to do from her mother. The recipe has changed slightly as it has been passed down through the generations but always a delicious, filling meal. Grandma B boiled a whole chicken and used the broth made from boiling the chicken. She told me that her mother never strained the broth and you would often find small bones in her chicken & dumplings. I use boneless, skinless chicken breasts and canned chicken broth.

One of the other things I can always remember her making was milk shakes. She had this old aluminum shaker for making gravy that she would put ice cream, milk and chocolate syrup in. We’d shake it up and then pour it in a glass. While looking for pictures of her at my parents’ house, I came across the shaker. I have a plastic container she gave me so I could continue making milk shakes the same way she did.

If we spent the night at her house, Grandma always made us oats for breakfast with lots of butter and sugar. So good! I still eat oatmeal for breakfast a lot of times.

I was her oldest grandchild and she always called me Grandma’s Little Angel. Grandma B passed away in 2004 and I miss her terribly. You will always find angel statues in my home, especially in my kitchen where she watches over me while I cook.

I don’t remember when I wrote this poem but I was older. In the third section, it talks about folding dirty clothes. Growing up, I can remember arguing with her about this. I didn’t understand why I should fold my dirty clothes when I was just going to take them home and put them in the laundry. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized she was trying to teach me to take care of and appreciate the things I have.

My Grandma

Is a very special friend.

There’s not a week go by

She doesn’t call just to “check in”.

I was her first grandchild,

In her heart I hold a special place,

And I can see it in her actions,

I can see it in her face.

All the things she did for me

I always took for granted,

Folding my dirty clothes

Sending them home to be cleaned.

She always knows just what to do

She always makes me feel special.

Maybe that is why

She called me “Grandma’s little angel”.

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