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Susan Flamm

Skeleton on the Ledge - Count Scapula

December 23, 2022

At -6° with a windchill of -31°, shoveling snow is absolutely bone chilling and exhausting!

December 20, 2022

Made a visit to our favorite bone doctors at Beacon Orthopaedics.

December 16, 2022

Some of you may have seen on Facebook that we told Susan's parents to “Go Away”🌴 (her father’s words). Hope you find that humerous🦴. While they were gone, we decorated the Christmas tree🎄 and hung all the ornaments that didn’t fit on the tree, from the dining room ceiling. We set up the Christmas village🏘️, hung up the Christmas lights on the outside of the house and set up the zoo of inflatable animals in the front yard🦛, fencing them in with a candy cane fence. To top it off, we made the Christmas cookies and baked the coffee cakes🍪. Now that we worked our fingers to the bone, it is time to enjoy the holidays!!

December 8, 2022

Visited the Christ Hospital School of Nursing today to deliver some mint fudge.

They were all boning up on their nursing skills during their lunch break.

December 6, 2022

Working my fingers to the bone making snowflakes!

November 9, 2022

My friend came over for a playdate while his parents are out of town.

Sometimes our friends have trouble getting their skulls out of their computers when all McRibs and I want to do is go outside!

November 2, 2022

To wrap up Día de los Muertos, here are some photos of our ofrenda.

Looks like Google even got in on the celebration today.

November 1, 2022

Making salsa for Día de los Muertos.

I will probably eat the mild batch because I just don’t have the stomach for the hot stuff!

October 31, 2022

Nothing like dressing as a human for Halloween!

Can you guess which French emperor stood at 5 feet 7 inches tall?

Napoleon Bone-a-part!🤣

Happy Halloween!

October 30, 2022

Where you stand, I once stood. Where I am, you will one day be.

Visiting some famous people at Spring Grove Cemetery on this beautiful fall day.

Found William Proctor, James Gamble, and many others.

October 29, 2022

I have a bone to pick with people around here…

why is there a sink full of dirty dishes when the dishwasher is empty?!?

I need my calavera mug cleaned, Día de los Muertos will be here before you know it!

October 28, 2022

Finally decided to get myself a pet. His name is McRibs.

He likes to take walks but he’s always so thirsty afterwards.

October 27, 2022

Since rappelling went so well I got a bone headed idea to give this a try…

October 26, 2022

“They went into my closets looking for skeletons, but thank God all they found were shoes, beautiful shoes.” -Imelda Marcos

October 25, 2022

Was working on my strength and muscle definition with a few deadlifts.

I hurt my leg but it’s going tibia okay.

October 24, 2022

Went on an excursion to Jungle Jims. So many amazing things to try from Halloween candy, apples (candied are my favorite) and yellow pumpkins to piñatas, hot sauce named after my friends and Gnarly Dead wine. Also found some treasure in Sherwood Forest. Bone appetit!

October 23, 2022

In memory of Grandpa B’s birthday, here’s a Stanley joke for you.

What’s a skeleton’s favorite tree? A s-pine tree.

October 22, 2022

Enjoying a nice, calm, relaxing day of coloring because nothing gets under my skin!

October 21, 2022

Making some calaveras (sugar skulls) to remember and honor

our loved ones who have passed.

October 20, 2022

After spending the day with Catrina watching Coco the other day, I decided to give Jess a hand and help decorate skulls for her religion class next week.

October 19, 2022

Make no bones about it, roasting marshmallows is bussin! (ask a teenager)

October 18, 2022

Got to harvest all those vegetables. Winter is coming, you can feel it in your bones!

October 17, 2022

Anyone get to experience Blink Cincinnati this weekend?

There were some jaw dropping light displays!

October 16, 2022

Jess was ankle deep in laundry. I thought I’d help out and got a little hung up.

October15, 2022

Hanging out with my friend Catrina watching our favorite Day of The Dead movie Coco.

October 14, 2022

After spending some time looking at the toy catalog, I decided to go build Lego.

I think I may be ready to try my hand at a bigger set.

October 13, 2022

Oh look, the Amazon Toy Catalog came just in time for…Halloween?!?

October 12, 2022

Having some fun with this ankle biter!

Hopefully Dakota doesn’t think I’m one of her bones to chew on.

October 11, 2022

I found this skeleton key. Wonder if there are any skeletons in the closet…

October 10, 2022

Resting my lazy bones. So glad I finally found a good use for those damn COVID masks.

October 9, 2022

Hello, my name is…

October 8, 2022

Just having my morning cup of Joe.

Nothing like some CAF from Black Rifle Coffee Company on these bone chilling mornings.

October 7, 2022

Since decorating didn’t go too smoothly and had me hanging by a thread, I decided to try putting some muscle on my bones after talking to Jessica’s friend.

October 6, 2022

Got a little caught up in my holiday decorating!

Decorating can be so stressful sometimes I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread.

October 5, 2022

Trying to get to the top shelf liquor can work your fingers to the bone!

Nothing like a good bourbon on the ledge.

October 5, 2022

Getting washed up in the morning can soak you to the bone!

October 4, 2022

We do not have an Elf on the Shelf! Meet Skeleton on the Ledge but he needs a name....

Any ideas????

He's just hanging out on the ledge waiting or is he?

Check back each day to see the shenanigans Skeleton has gotten in to!

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